This year has been tough with tough times to come. Art has helped me through some pretty challenging times and is a soothing balm to my troubled soul.
It is with this in mind, considering the current world climate and periods of self-isolation that we are all experiencing that Effy Wild has reduced the price of Book of Days by 50% for the entire month of April. This offer is made in good faith that if any should need a little bit of extra distraction, community connection online and general art exercises to keep you occupied, then this is an option.
It is with this in mind, considering the current world climate and periods of self-isolation that we are all experiencing that Effy Wild has reduced the price of Book of Days by 50% for the entire month of April. This offer is made in good faith that if any should need a little bit of extra distraction, community connection online and general art exercises to keep you occupied, then this is an option.